Blog | 2012 NPUG (Nuclear Primavera User Group) Conference



2012 NPUG (Nuclear Primavera User Group) Conference

After attending the 2012 NPUG (Nuclear Primavera User Group) conference in Palm Beach, Florida, it became very clear that there are a lot of passionate people involved with this group that are working to improve not only the Primavera product but to discuss the best practices of other facilities in our industry for all to reap a benefit. We started out as a very small group several years ago and have grown to what we thought was potentially 50-55 interested persons/utility/vendor representatives for this years conference and were astounded at the over 90 people in attendance. Additionally, with the interest Primavera / ORACLE has shown in assisting the group, as well as, the foresight into software issues and performance problems, the presentations throughout the full 2 days were very informative and helpful to those of us present. Several utilities had been considering a new product and the seminar presentations allowed attendees to actually speak to other users, as well as, see product demo’s and product outputs displayed. That is very useful when compiling business cases to management. The attendees also did smaller breakout meetings based on the functional groups supported back on our respective sites: Engineering Project Scheduling, On-line Scheduling and Outage Scheduling. These smaller groups focused in on their use of the tool, issues with the tools, and some best practices. Both days were structured similarly and much information passed amongst the attendees, some from utility members and some from vendors. The issues list was compiled and forwarded back to Primavera for ranking for resolution. I found most attendees favorite discussions occurred during the pre-seminar cocktail hour. Those discussions proved to contain some interesting conversation regarding what each attendee expected to get out of the two information packed days. Surprisingly, the second night’s cocktail hour discussions were geared to the wealth of information attained during the days proceedings. So, all in all, I would venture to call the 2012 NPUG conference a success to all in attendance. I know that I came away from the conference feeling like it was time well spent. I would encourage all Primavera users to become a member of your industry type user groups and participate, participate, participate…. If there is no user group established in your industry, there are also global Primavera User Groups and some local chapter Primavera User Groups, as well as, LinkedIn user groups.  Become involved! It’s a very rewarding experience.

  1. Hi Vickie,

    CHAMPS is a software and services provider that has been delivering Nuclear solutions for over 35 years. We are interested in participating in your NPUG in 2013. Any information would appreciated – thanks.

  2. Vickie Laskey Says:
    May 10, 2012 at 3:47 pm


    The Nuclear Primavera User Group (NPUG) has been in exsistance about 5 years now, we try to meet once yearly in various locations and the focus is to bring Best Practices to the table as well as to interface with Oracle/Primavera on product solutions that will help our industry attain the best performance out of the product as possible. This year we did try some new approaches and broke the groups up by Online, Outage and Nuclear projects groups (Eningeering) to better focus on the product issues specific to each group as well as to bring Best Practices by group into the forum. Those breakout groups were short mini sessions within the context of the full conference agenda. We also had some consulting firms in attendance (Knowledge Relay, Alpha Corp, Pipeline to name a few) that did some product demonstrations as well as had Dick Farris (one of the original Primavera founders) there who spoke to the group on upcoming product enhancements. There were various Oracle/Primavera managers there also that spoke to the issues list and resolutions to date for that list we had presented to them at the prior meeting in New Orleans (June 2010). Plus they demo’d Primavera Version 8.2 and BI-Publisher also. This year we met in Palm Beach, FL.

    Feel free to contact me again with any additional questions you may still have as well as to provide the contact information to you in regards to joining the NPUG group. You are more than welcome to join the group

    Additionally, I work for Critical Business Analysis and am contracted to DTE / Fermi 2 Nuclear Stations, if there are any needs CBA can offer you please feel free to contact me for that also. Or if you just have some questions or comments to share, I would welcome the input. I typically work in the Nuclear Projects & Modifications Group but also work with the Maintenance Group for Online repair and refurbishment of equipment for outage installations as well as I transistion into the Outage Group for the duration of the outages. So please feel free to contact me if I can further assist you.

    Thank you for your interest!

    Vickie Laskey

  3. Renee S Says:
    May 2, 2012 at 9:36 am

    I would like obtain information about the Primavera User Group.

    Renee S